Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Killer Spices Keep Harmful to The Bay

Pesticides May smell sweet as rosemary, thyme and cinnamon.

Spices, among other things, evidence of the impact of insects on fresh fighting environment and safety for humans, "said entomologist Murray Isman, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

Speaking yesterday in an American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Isman that insects are less likely to develop resistance to extract chemicals from the classic spice.

This concept is not new: For centuries, people have been extracted from plants from oil hard to protect their food. Well, scientists have finally the calculation is important, as oil and pest control against the way people more efficiently.

"There is a certain magic in the way of nature, what has been done," said Isman. "The research we are trying to find the important work that the best oil for the application."

Spice plants have a strong odor of the chemical structure: They consist of small molecules that evaporate easily. Extraction of oil from this plant is generally used for aroma and taste of food, shampoos, candles and other products.

You can also change the chemical structure of spice extracts penetrate easily into the membranes of brain cells, as an error. In recent years, scientists have two types of messenger molecules in the brain that insects with essential oils.

By blocking or stimulating molecules or their receptors, it causes the oil or high-flying insects. At the dose is high enough, said Isman, May be some of the oil from the nervous system of insects.

People, pets and other animals do not have the same molecule in the brain, Rasul, so that extracts from dangerous insects security for us. Scientists now considering the brain as a target for synthetic pesticides.

"Some of the major oil companies, the repulsion is remarkable," said Joel Coats, an insect toxicology and researcher at the University of Iowa State in Ames. "If we understand how the biochemical level, we can be better used, and this is really an important step in the moment. "

Isman devoted much time to dissect the secrets of rosemary, a neurotoxin that is particularly strong for many insects. Previous work has shown that rosemary oil contains several chemicals 80 or 90, 10, for more than 90 percent of what is available.

Isman and colleagues tested the toxic effects of 10 people by creating artificial oil extract, nine other people, then the mixture is all the spider mites. Researchers are able to finger the most powerful of the three chemicals, three or four small effects, and three or four, which seems not much to do at all for the mites.

When the scientists tested a mixture of three chemicals, but the result is that 30 per cent more toxic than the real Rosemary.

"There are some internal magic mixture of compounds, the attempt to discuss the next to them," he says. "There are advantages to the use of nature as a mixture of them come from plants.

Over time, insects can not also support the development of tolerance to the synergies involved in the complex mix of chemicals, but they quickly resistant to pesticides.

Insects are already on the market repellents with rosemary, peppermint, cinnamon, thyme and other odiferous oil, but scientists are not yet able to predict the functions of the extract, where the insects. Even in close insects react differently to the same extract.

Just know what is best in each situation, scientists can order any type of extract to each type of insect. Coats with software to predict who will extract the most powerful on the basis of chemical structure.

More than an experiment, the data show that the mixture of essential oils with pesticides to farmers to use more than half of all things classical, and still the same results.

For Bio-heart, the future of the fight against pests business, feel better and better.